If you follow our social media, you’ll see all types of
posts that talk about some of our international deliveries. This ranges from mailing
special packages to Europe to having volunteers carry packages with them to various
countries in Africa.
Map showing
our delivery locations across Australia
Map showing
our delivery locations across Europe
Kids with
their English cards in South Africa
Kids with
their French cards in Benin
We’re living up to our #AcrossTheGlobe portion of our
mission statement and utilizing that hashtag we love! But just like we always
do in our blog posts, it’s time for us to be 100% open and honest.
Yes, we have made deliveries to 20+ countries. Yes, we are
striving for ways to increase our partnerships with more countries so we can
ship cards on a consistent basis. And no, South America we have not forgotten
about you. We pinky promise when we get more cards in Spanish and a steady way
to ship the cards we’ll start adding some smiles to that portion of our map. If
you don’t believe us, please ask Dell EMC and University of Florida’s modern
language department. They’ll tell you how we’re working on the Brazilian
Portuguese cards!
South America Map as of 6/3/2018
We’re highlighting all that global delivery today, but we
understand that the vast majority of the cards we receive are coming from
individuals here in the USA. That ranges from corporation events to independent
artists making cards in their free time. Based on those contributions, we can
say that we’ll never forget about kids here in the United States of America. Even
though we have steady partnerships in Mexico, Canada, Portugal, Australia, and
Haiti, over 90% of our cards have been delivered to kids in the USA.
We’re expanding across the globe and consistently finding
ways for people to #carryabitmore
and #hadtosaysomething
since some groups are helping us ship more across the globe, but we won’t
forget that we were LOCALLY GROWN and
we do need to continue to take care of the kids in North America! Thanks for
your cards!
#locallygrown #upliftingspirits